July 16, 2024
“You’re Invited!”

Read Esther 8:1-8

Meeting the president would be a great honor, but a person can’t just walk into the front door of the white house and expect to be taken to the Oval Office. In order to see the president, an invitation must be given and there would need to be an important reason for the visit.

In the days that Esther lived, it was a very dangerous thing to seek an audience with a king or powerful ruler. Torture or even execution could await the person who angered or displeased the king. It was very important for a person to be given permission to even enter the throne room of a king.

When Esther approached King Xerxes, he could have responded with anger and had her executed immediately. But instead, God granted her favor in His presence and he heard her petition. Scripture records…

Then the king extended the gold scepter to Esther and she arose and stood before him. Esther 8:4 NIV.

What a beautiful picture of what God did for His people with the death and resurrection of Jesus! While sin had created an atmosphere of hostility between God and His people, God’s people were granted mercy through the sacrifice of Jesus. God continues today to extend his grace to all who desire to enter His presence.

Who would you like to meet if you had the chance?
What is keeping you from accepting God’s invitation to come into His presence?
God, open my heart to be willing to be accepted into Your presence today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(This devotion first appeared in devotional publication Take 5 Plus)

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