June 27, 2024
The Real Thing

Read 1 Kings 22:1-40

In 1886, Atlanta Pharmacist John Pemberton invented an unusual concoction he called Coca-Cola. This new drink “Coke” became one of the most popular soft drinks in the United States by 1900. Dubbed the “Real Thing” in 1969, today there is no substitute for an ice cold bottle of Coca-Cola.

In this passage, King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat make an alliance to attack the King of Aram. Jehoshaphat suggests that they ask God what He thinks of their plan.

Ahab gathers 400 prophets who serve false Gods. Jehoshaphat asks if there were any prophets of the true God left in Israel. Ahab states it plainly…

“There is still one prophet through whom we can inquire of the Lord, but I hate him…” 1 Kings 22:8 NIV

The King of Israel would rather listen to flattering lies from cheap imitations of prophets than to listen to a true prophet of the one true God.

There are many cheap substitutes for the important things in life, especially when it comes to the truth about God and His word. It is always easier to settle for the things that will make you feel good, but only the real truth of God can truly satisfy your soul.

Why do you think people settle for cheap imitations for the most important things in life?

What have you substituted for something real in your life?

Dear Jesus, You are truly the real thing in a world of falsehood. Help me commit to living by Your word each and every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

(This devotion first appeared in the periodical Take 5 Plus.)

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