June 21, 2024
Devotions in Colossians
The Passion for Ministry

Colossians 1:29

After talking about his attitude, his call, and his purpose for ministry, Paul wraps up his discussion about his ministry talking about his tremendous passion for the spreading of the gospel message.

When we study the drive and passion of Paul, it can be hard to wrap our minds around. Paul traveled the entire Mediterranean world on multiple missionary journeys without any of the modern means of travel. He planted many churches, preached countless sermons, wrote a significant part of the New Testament, and shared the gospel with virtually everyone he encountered. It is legitimate for Paul to write…

To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. Colossians 1:29 NIV

Whenever I talk to people that are considering a call to ministry, I stress to them that ministry is not like a typical 9am-5pm job with a 40-hour work week. You can’t flip a switch on in the morning and flip it off again in the late afternoon. You wake up thinking about the growth of the ministry, and you work on your sermons continually. The needs of your flock don’t always fit within a convenient timeframe. Some weeks (like Holy Week) can take a super-human effort while others are simply quiet and uneventful. You can say it’s not for the faint of heart, but it would be better said that it’s not for those who haven’t been called. For me my calling makes all the difference. God called me when I was 17 and He hasn’t failed me yet. I have failed people and people have failed me, but I serve a gracious God and Him alone. It is from this call that I draw my strength and passion to serve Christ.

Tomorrow we will wrap up the week think about receiving a call to ministry in our own lives.

Questions to consider:
Why do you think Paul had such an incredible drive and passion for the ministry to which he was called?
Can you relate to Paul’s passion at all? What is your greatest passion?
Ask God to energize you to serve in Him in amazing ways every day.

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