June 22, 2024
Responding to the Call

Jeremiah 1:4-5

This week we have discovered four aspects of Paul’s call to ministry: His servant attitude, his primary task, his purpose, and his passion for ministry.

Today, I want us to consider how a person receives a “call” to full-time (vocational) church ministry or missions. This is such an important and key part to long-term success in ministry. (This “call” is specific and different from the call that every Christian receives to shine the light of Jesus in our everyday lives.)

So. how does a person decide to become a pastor? A youth pastor? A missionary? Do they watch the pastors in their church and think “that would be a cool job!” or hear missionaries speak and think “I want to travel the world!”? While the people we look up to in life may inspire us to consider serving in ministry, when we look at Scripture, we can see that God works in a different way.

Paul was traveling on the road to Damascus when God confronted Him in the road. God knew that this same zealousness that Paul had to oppose the church would help to advance and spread the gospel around the world. So God spoke directly to his heart. (Acts Chapter 9)

For Jeremiah, the word of the Lord came directly to Him and spoke to his heart.

The word of the Lord came to me, saying
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:4-5 NIV

God spoke directly to Moses from a burning bush calling Him to help lead the Hebrew people our of Egypt. (Exodus Chapter 3).

For me, the call came the summer before my senior year of high school at the Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina. Each night as the speaker presented God’s word, I felt a tug on my heart. I knew I was living the life best I could, so I was confused on how to respond. I sought advice from one of our adult leaders and she lit up. “I knew this was coming! Ask God if He is calling you to full-time ministry in the church.” The next evening the tug on my heart returned and I responded to God’s call to ministry that evening. That was 38 summers ago and I have been serving God and the local church ever since I came back from camp. (The Sunday I announced my decision in church I was appointed as the 3rd/4th grade boys Sunday school teacher!)

In order to survive the struggle of ministry full-time, you need that call to your heart directly from God. When the road gets very hard, you will always be able to return to your call to help you push forward. For those who thought ministry might be fun or rewarding but never received a call from God, the journey in ministry is often a short one as they retreat for safer waters.

Questions to consider:
Have you ever considered if God is calling you to serve in vocational ministry? To travel as a missionary?
Do you seem to have a burning desire in your heart to serve and lead in the church? Find a mentor to discuss this with soon.
The church is in need of leaders, ask God to make a call to ministry clear in your heart if you can sense Him calling.

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