September 11, 2024
Remembering a Tragedy

Nehemiah 2:2-3

Today on 9/11, we all remember where we were when events of that fateful morning played out. Indeed, we will never forget the image of the planes crashing into the twin towers. Nehemiah can relate.

In order to approach the king with his request, Nehemiah has to relive a 9/11 of his own.

Why should my face not look sad when the city where my ancestors are buried lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire?” Nehemiah 2:3 NIV

In 587-586 BC, the Babylonian army under the leadership of King Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to the city of Jerusalem. Over a period of at least 18 months, the Babylonians cut of all access to the city causing great suffering among the Jewish people. When the Babylonian army finally broke through the walls, the attack was savage resulting in great loss of life and a complete destruction of the temple, the city dwellings, the walls, and the gates. The entire city of Jerusalem was a smoldering ruin. Those who survived the siege were carried off into exile in Babylon.

The events of Nehemiah chapter 2 occur approximately 140 years after the destruction of Jerusalem and yet the wounds are still fresh.

Let’s take time today to lift up in prayer the families who lost loved ones twenty-three years ago on what became one of worst days of their lives. Today these wounds are still fresh and the loss still very real. May they seek and find comfort in the presence of their Savor.

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