April 21
Pulling Your Own Weight

(This devotional first appeared in the periodical Take 5 Plus)

Read Numbers 32:1-27

While some adults may enjoy cleaning the house after a long winter, many children and teenagers are not as enthusiastic about this ritual called “spring cleaning”. Sudden sickness, exhaustion, forgotten homework assignments, and more all become deterrents to the kids pulling their own weight in the big clean.

As the Israelites neared the Promised Land, the Reubenites and Gadites of took notice that lands on the East side of the Jordan river were free from enemies and perfect for settling. The leaders went to Moses and requested that their people be allowed to settle in the lands.

Moses became very angry with these people because it seemed like they didn’t want to pull their weight in helping to take possession of the Promised Land.

“Should your fellow Israelites go to war while you sit here? Why do you discourage the Israelites from crossing over into the land the Lord has given them? Numbers 32:6-7 NIV

God’s has always intended for His people to be a family, working together to bring the love and peace of His kingdom to the world. When only a few do their part, God church cannot be the force of hope that God has designed it to be.

In what ways are you serving in your youth ministry? Your church?
How would the church be stronger if every person pulled their weight?
Prayer Emphasis: Ask God to show you where you can serve at church to help the church be the true hope of the world.

(Devotions in the book of John will resume on Monday April 22nd)

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