Passing the Time
Matthew 1:21-23
No mention is made of their conversation along the way in their journey to Bethlehem, but it isn’t hard to imagine Mary and Joseph passing the time talking about their shared experiences and what the future held for them and their family to come.
Maybe they recounted the visits from the angel to convince them of the roles they each would play in the birth and parenting of the Christ child. Maybe Mary joked with Joseph that at least she was awake when she received her heavenly visit.
Maybe they spoke with awe recounting of the promises the angel told Joseph about Jesus. Joseph remembers the promises told to him in a dream…
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:21-23 NIV
Maybe they talked about the anxiety and fear they had about having the son of God be in their care. Maybe they wondered if He would be like other children, what he would look like, and how will He save the world from sin?
Maybe like all couples on a trip, they spent times of silence, quietly dwelling on their own thoughts-Joseph worrying over caring for providing for His growing family and Mary treasuring every moment of this grand adventure up in her heart. Maybe. We can only wonder.
Prayer Emphasis: Spend a few moments today journaling the promises that God has made to you. Thank Him for each one, soaking in the wonder of His love and care for you.
For Family Discussion…
Brainstorm as a family what you think Joseph and Mary may have talked about on their trip. (There are no wrong answers!)