September 30, 2024
Dealing with Opposition

Read Nehemiah 4:1-6

Whenever the people of God undertake a great work that will impact the kingdom, Satan takes notice and immediately begins to formulate a plan to thwart this work. In chapter 3, inspired by Nehemiah, the Israelite people begin the work to rebuild the walls and gates of the city. Rebuilding the walls and gates of the city would be a huge step in restoring the future of the nation of Israel. The enemies of Israel take notice and begin to stir up trouble and opposition to the work. This week, we will discover the nature of this opposition and how Nehemiah responds.

As we do each Monday, take time today to read through this passage three times in three different translations. Read carefully with journal and pen nearby. Write down any key words or phrases that stand out to you as you slowly read each verse. Try to write out one sentence that sums up the meaning of this passage as God spoke to your heart through His word.

Questions to consider:

What key leadership lesson can we learn from Nehamiah in this passage?

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