June 26, 2024
Broken or Crushed

Read Luke 20:9-20

One of the most well-known children’s nursery rhymes is Humpty Dumpty. Apparently Humpty was fragile and, through an unfortunate fall, was broken to pieces. He must have been important because the king called for his men to try to put him back together, to no avail.

In this strange tale, Humpty Dumpty teaches that people are just plain fragile. While Humpty fell from a wall and was broken physically, many people fall and are hurt in much deeper ways. The choices and decisions that people make can literally make or break them for eternity.

In this passage, Jesus refers to Himself as the chief cornerstone. He is the one on whom the universe rests.

‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone’? Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.” Luke 20:17-18 NIV

You have two choices: surrender your life completely to Jesus and allow Him to break you and reshape you into His design for you, or reject Jesus and be eternally separated from God, and be eternally broken beyond repair. When that happens no one and nothing can put you back together again.

Why does Jesus only give two choices?

If you have chosen Him, in what ways is He reshaping you to be more and more like Him each day?

Dear Jesus, I know that choosing to follow You is the most important decision I will ever make. Give me the courage to surrender my will to You and let You shape me as You will. In Jesus’ name, name

(This devotion first appeared in the periodical Take 5 Plus.)

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