July 27, 2024
Better is One Day

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; (Psalm 84:10)

Read Psalm 84

Our culture is obsessed with the idea of bigger and better. One has only to stay up late enough to find all of the infomercials touting the newest super-product that can change lives one purchase at a time. A knife that can cut through a penny, seal that can hold a boat together in open water, and so much more is presented as the next best thing that is need in life to be happy and fulfilled.

Though the culture was different thousands of years ago, the dilemma was the same. The psalmist struggled with the question of where to find true fulfillment and meaning in life. He had come to understand that everything the world had to offer would always be insufficient to truly complete the desires of the heart. After a lifetime of searching, the psalmist’s heart concluded that one day in the courts of God would be better than living a life built on the false promises of the world.

Questions to Consider:
For what does our soul yearn? Are we looking to the promises of this world to bring us happiness and fulfillment? Or, like the psalmist, have we concluded that only God can fulfill the deepest needs and desires of our hearts?
Father, help my heart to long only for Your presence to and to understand that only You can fulfill the needs and desires of my heart. Lead me to live in this truth today. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

(This devotion first appeared in devotional publication The Quiet Hour)

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