July 29, 2024
Believing is Trusting

However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness. (Romans 4:5)

Read Romans 4:1-12

Our culture teaches that if a person wants to excel in a pursuit, maximum effort is required. Work harder, run farther, give it 110% is the motto of those who strive for excellence in sports, music, and more, and this mindset is exactly what is needed to find great success in so many areas of life. However, in one of the great paradoxes of life, when it comes to God’s salvation, working harder and giving 110% is the wrong approach.

Abraham understood clearly that salvation wasn’t something that could be earned through human effort. These scriptures say that he simply believed in God’s grace and trusted that the God who forgives sinners would forgive him as well. Abraham’s belief in God’s word and his trust in God’s grace made him righteous before God. There was nothing he could do to save himself.

Is it hard to believe that you can’t work hard and earn God’s acceptance and forgiveness when you can earn virtually everything else in life? The Bible is clear that our salvation is based on what God has done for us and not on anything we can do for God. We simply need to believe in God’s word and trust Him to save us.

Father, forgive me for trying to earn Your favor and acceptance. Help me to place my trust in you and allow You to be my Savior. In Jesus name, Amen.

(This devotion first appeared in devotional publication The Quiet Hour)

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