An Unlikely Choice
Luke 2:15-16
Before we journey to the manger with the shepherds, we need to pause for a day to consider who these shepherds really were. While over the centuries, these men have been presented as humble, dirty, social outcasts, is it possible that they were something more?
By Jewish regulations found in the Mishnah (a collection of Jewish oral laws), sheep were only allowed to be grazed in the “wilderness” ((Bab K.7:7; 80a) unless they are sheep set aside to be used in temple worship. Since the shepherds were grazing their flocks in the fields near Bethlehem, it is probable that these were shepherd priests who watched over special flocks reserved for the temple. It was their responsibility to take special care of the sheep in order to present lambs spotless and without blemish for sacrifice in the temple.
The Mishnah also states that the Messiah would be revealed from the Migdal Elder (which means “tower of the flock”). This tower is mentioned in Genesis 35:21 in the context of the death of Jacob’s wife Rachel. The Biblical record locates this tower near-you guessed it-the town of Bethlehem. This was an actual lookout tower in the fields outside of Bethlehem from which the lead shepherd priest would “watch over the flocks by night” while the other shepherds watched over the flocks from the ground. Clearly, these men weren’t quite as insignificant as we might have first imagined. Once they were able to comprehend the message of the angels, it is likely that they understood the significance of this birth at a deeply profound level. No wonder Luke records that they went running to find the baby!
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off… Luke 2:15-16a NIV
With all of this in mind, it is still hard to believe that God chose, from all of the people who could be chosen, to announce the birth of the Messiah to these men. Even though they were most likely not ordinary shepherds, they were still dirty, smelly shepherds who were not even important enough to be mentioned by name. The angel had announced that this
“good news” would bring joy to “all” people (not just the wealthy and educated religious elites) and this truth immediately came to life out on a hillside outside Bethlehem.
Prayer Emphasis: Ask God to give you an urgency about reading His word and growing deep in your walk with Him.
For Family Discussion:
When is the last time you were so excited about something that you were in a hurry to get there? Why were you so excited?
Understanding more about who these shepherds really were, why do you think they might have been so excited to see the baby?