Week 2-Peace
The Bethlehem Candle
An Unexpected Trip
Luke 2:1-4
The message spread through the town quickly. “Caesar has decreed a census and each man must return to his hometown to be counted!” Mary and Joseph must have felt great anxiety as the reality of this news sunk in. Mary, who was ready to give birth any day, would now have to travel to the remote town of Bethlehem with Joseph so he could be counted in the census.
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register. Luke 2:1-3 NIV
Surely, they were settled in waiting for God’s son to be born any day. The crib had been assembled and the nursery decorated in anticipation of the new life that would soon add to the number of their family. (Joseph is lucky he didn’t have to try to install an infant car seat for the first time!)
Travel in ancient times was slow and dangerous and childbirth was even more dangerous. Mixing the two would be unthinkable but Joseph and Mary had no choice. The two packed for the trip and set off from Nazareth hoping for the best.
If we have experienced pregnancy and childbirth in our own lives, we feel for the young couple as they begin the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Most couples would choose not to travel in the weeks and days leading up to the due date of the expected child in order to stay near the hospital and family doctors. Mary and Joseph didn’t have this option and must have experienced great anxiety over this entire situation. One can imagine each encouraging the other as they remembered God promises about this special baby as they set off for Bethlehem,
Prayer Emphasis: Thank God today that even when things seem out of your control and you feel helpless, God is there, closer than a whisper, giving you strength for each new day.
For Family Discussion…
Describe how you think Mary and Joseph felt as they began this journey to Bethlehem. Discuss each one separately.
How do you think the prophecy regarding the messiah being born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) played into Joseph and Mary having to take this trip?