September 24, 2024
The Work Begins

Nehemiah 3:1-31

Today, as we take a first look at our passage for this week, we want to keep in the forefront of our minds our search for the aspects of the leadership genius of Nehemiah. Unlike the excitement and intrigue found in Nehemiah chapters 1 and 2, chapter 3 is filled with hard-to-pronounce names, locations, and minute details that the casual reader has very little context for. It is my hope that this week we will be able to unpack some of the leadership lessons hidden behind all of the details.

But first, as is our usual approach, it is important for us to read through the Scripture on our own before we begin to dig deeper into this chapter throughout this week.

Find a quiet place to read through this chapter at least three times with journal and pen nearby. I would recommend you read through this chapter in at least three different translations. ( has many from which to choose.) As you read, write down any words, phrases, or ideas that stand out to you in your journal. Take time to summarize what the emphasis of this chapter seems to be in your mind.

Questions to consider:

What leadership principles stand out amidst all the specific names, places, and details of this chapter?

How can we apply any of these principles in our lives today?

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