September 19, 2024
Proceeding with Caution

Nehemiah 2:11-12

After getting acclimated in Jerusalem for three days and surveying the ruins of the walls and gates, Nehemiah is ready to reveal the true reason why he has come to Jerusalem under the king’s authority. He gathers the peoplAfter resting for three days and getting a sense of the prevailing attitude in Jerusalem, Nehemiah decided that it was time to take a survey of the condition of the walls around the city. Even though his arrival must have been cause for celebration and curiosity, Nehemiah reveals to us that he has not yet shared his vision with the leaders of the Jews.

I went to Jerusalem, and after staying there three days I set out during the night with a few others. I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem. There were no mounts with me except the one I was riding on. Nehemiah 2:11-12 NIV

Why had Nehemiah kept his vision of rebuilding the walls to himself since arriving in Jerusalem? Scripture doesn’t tell us his reasoning but let me offer a few conjectures.

Considering the difficult circumstances that existed in Jerusalem, it is very possible that the people had been struggling to survive, the leaders had struggled to provide for and protect them, and the morale of the inhabitants of Jerusalem was very low. Hope was at an all-time low and negativity may have been running rampant.

We have all met the person who always has a story about something that was tried years before but failed. He or she will give you all the reasons it will fail again whether you ask or not.

Nehemiah had the discernment to avoid engaging any negativity towards rebuilding the walls before he could even get started. He chose only a few people, presumably of great faith and positivity, to survey the walls with him overnight while not involving anyone else.

Once he had an opportunity to see the conditions of the walls with his own eyes, he would be able to develop a strategy for presenting his plan to rebuild the walls to the leaders and inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Questions to consider…

Why was it wise for Nehemiah to avoid any negativity before he developed and presented his plan to the leaders of Jerusalem?

What did this strategy allow him to do?

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