August 2, 2024
Following Through

So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran. (Genesis 12:4)

Read Genesis 12:1-7, 15:1-7

It has been said that cemeteries are full of unrealized potential: half-hearted relationships, unfulfilled dreams, unfinished college degrees, unpublished books, and, in general, incomplete lives. Projects can start with such great potential but then reality gets in the way and it is hard to follow through and finish what was started.

Abraham’s father Terah, started a journey to move his family from Ur to Canaan. Instead of following through and completing this journey, he stopped halfway and settled for less in Harran. In this passage, we see God call Abraham to pack up his family and complete this journey to Canaan-God’s Promised Land for His people. With Abraham there is no hesitation, and no settling for less than what God has asked. The scripture simply says that Abram followed through and “went” and the rest is well-documented history!

It occurs to me that, when it comes to the Bible, most people know Abraham but far fewer can name his father Terah. It seems that Terah is somewhat forgotten because he settled for less and that Abraham is remembered because he followed through and was fully obedient to God’s call. We will live more like Terah or Abraham?

Father, give me the desire to, like Abraham, to be fully obedient to Your call in my life. Help me to follow through and be faithful to what you have called me to do. In Jesus name, Amen.

(This devotion first appeared in devotional publication The Quiet Hour)

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