July 30, 2024
Hard to Believe

Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God… (Romans 4:20)

Read Romans 4:13-25

In the English countryside near Salisbury, there is a strange Neolithic monument called Stonehenge. Stongehenge is a huge circle of stones, some weighing as much as 50 tons, which were moved hundreds of miles to this location. Many have wondered how the ancients created this structure that defies the technological capabilities of their time. Some, refusing to believe that ancient humans were capable of such a feat, have concluded that powerful aliens must have come to earth and helped build Stonehenge.

When God’s promise came to Abraham and Sarah, they both knew that she was beyond childbearing age. They could have easily dismissed the idea of having a child because it was simply impossible for a woman of her age to get pregnant. Yet, they had faith to believe that nothing was impossible for God and that the power of His word was enough. The child would come.

We live in an age where scientific facts have replaced faith. If it can’t be explained, then it can’t be true. Yet, for those of us with true faith, we know that there are some things about God that can never be explained by the mind of man. With God, all things are possible!

Father, help me to have faith to believe like Abraham and Sarah, that the impossible is possible by Your word and Your power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(This devotion first appeared in devotional publication The Quiet Hour)

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