July 18, 2024
“Guided by Prayer”

Read Nehemiah 2:1-9

Life is filled with difficult decisions and challenges, some big and some small. Where does a person go to find advice and guidance in making these decisions? Parents? Friends? Horoscopes? God? The Bible? Prayer?

Nehemiah needed guidance in making a very important decision. God had laid on his heart to lead the Israelites back to Jerusalem to rebuild the gates and walls of the city. He needed help from the king he served but he had to be very careful how he approached the subject. He took the matter to God in prayer. Nehemiah knew that God could influence the heart of the king and so he cried out to him in prayer and then approached the king.

The king said to me, “What is it you want?”
Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king,
Nehemiah 2:4 NIV

While advice can be received in many different places and ways, the guidance a person can receive from God in prayer is unlike all other advice. God is the creator of the universe and knows all things…He can be trusted.

When you face a difficult decision, where do you turn for advice?
In what ways do you include God and the Bible in your important decisions each day?
God, today remind me to always trust You with my important decisions in life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

(This devotion first appeared in devotional publication Take 5 Plus)

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