July 2, 2024
The Darkest Night

Read Luke 22:39-44

The phrase “Dark Night of the Soul” represents the idea of going through a particularly difficult season in life. This phrase comes from a poem entitled “The Dark Night of the Soul” written by St. John of the Cross. For John, darkness represented the hardships and suffering a soul experienced in this journey of life.

Arguably, the darkest night in human history was the night that Jesus was arrested and tried at the hands of the Roman authorities. Knowing what lay ahead, Jesus was drawn to prayer…

He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” Luke 22:41-42 NIV

Facing the torture of the cross, Jesus experienced the “dark night of the soul” praying there in the garden. In His anguish, an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened Him.

Going through hard times is a common experience for everyone, but for the believer in Jesus, the journey through these dark nights is not a solitary one. Just as the angel ministered to Jesus in the garden, the Holy Spirit is there to minister to you in times of need. You are never alone.

Why do you think God allows us to experience hard times?

How does it make you feel that Jesus experienced hard times as well?

Dear God, I know that everyone goes through difficult times. Help me to trust You to walk with me and encourage me in the hard times of my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

(This devotion first appeared in the periodical Take 5 Plus.)

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