June 8, 2024
Devotions in Colossians
Giving Christ First Place

Colossians 1:18b

As we look back over this past week, we have learned that Jesus is supreme over eternity, supreme over creation, and supreme over the church. In essence, we have learned that Christ is supreme over all things…

…so that in everything He might have the supremacy. Colossians 1:18b NIV

It would be easy to just make this an intellectual exercise to understand the true position and identity of Jesus without considering the impact this has on our own lives.

But if Jesus is supreme in “everything” then He should be supreme in our everyday lives. If He is supreme in our everyday lives, then He should have first place in our lives in every way.

He should have…

  • first place in our faith,
  • first place in our hearts,
  • first place in our marriages,
  • first place in our families,
  • first place in our careers,
  • first place in how we spend our time,
  • first place in our conversations,
  • first place in our worship
  • first place in EVERYTHING!!

Questions to consider…
Consider your life today. In what areas does Christ have first place?
In what areas are you still holding on to by your own power?
Ask God today to help you surrender your whole life to Jesus in every way.

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